Section: I. NLP Applications
Vít Novotný (presentation)
#1: When Tesseract Does It Alone
Krištof Anetta (presentation)
#5: Data Mining from Free-Text Health Records
Marek Medveď, Radoslav Sabol and Aleš Horák (presentation)
#10: Efficient Management and Optimization of Very Large Machine Learning Dataset for Question Answering
Section: II. Semantics and Language Modelling
Vít Novotný, Michal Štefánik, Dávid Lupták and Petr Sojka (presentation)
#11: Towards Useful Word Embeddings
Marek Menšík, Adam Albert and Vojtěch Patschka (presentation)
#4: Using FCA for Seeking Relevant Information Sources
Vít Novotný (presentation)
#7: The Art of Reproducible Machine Learning
Section: III. Morphology and Syntax
Michal Starý, Zuzana Nevěřilová and Jakub Valčík (presentation)
#2: Multilingual Recognition of Temporal Expressions
Helena Medková (presentation)
#3: Automatic Detection of Zeugma
Vít Novotný and Marie Stará (presentation)
#12: Cthulhu Hails from Wales
Section: IV. Text Corpora
Alena Podhorná-Polická (presentation)
#6: RapCor, Francophone Rap Songs Text Corpus
Victor Zakharov, Kirill Boyarsky, Anastasia Golovina and Anastasia Kozlova (presentation)
#9: Semantic Analysis of Russian Prepositional Constructions
Vít Suchomel (presentation)
#8: Removing Spam from Web Corpora Through Supervised Learning and Semi-manual Classification of Web Sites
Maria Khokhlova (presentation)
#13: Evaluating Russian Adj-Noun Word Sketches against Dictionaries: a Case Study